folder Vulcanología


pdf SO2 degassing at Tungurahua volcano

928 téléchargements

Hidalgo, S., Battaglia, J., Arellano, S., Steele, A., Bernard, B., Bourquin, J., Galle, B., Arrais, S. and Vasconez, F. (2015). SO2 degassing at Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador) between 2007 and 2013: transition from continuous to episodic activity, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 298, 1-14.

pdf Solidification effects on sill formation

906 téléchargements

Chanceaux, L., Menand, T. (2014). Solidification effects on sill formation: an experimental approach. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 403: 79-88.

pdf The 3640 3510 BC rhyodacite eruption of Chachimbiro

981 téléchargements

Bernard, B., Hidalgo, S., Robin, C., Beate B., Quijozaca, J. (2014). The 3640-3510 BC rhyodacite eruption of Chachimbiro compound volcano, Ecuador: a violent directed blast produced by a satellite dome. volcanol. 76: 849-869. Doi 10.1007/s00445-014-0849-z.

pdf The effects of solidification on sill propagation

957 téléchargements

Chanceaux, L., Menand, T. (2016). The effects of solidification on sill propagation dynamics and morphology. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 442: 39-50.

pdf The medieval climate anomaly

973 téléchargements

Ledru, M.P., Jomelli, V., Samaniego, P., Vuille, M., Hidalgo, S., Herrera, M., Cerón, C. (2013). The Medieval climate anomaly and the Little Ice Age in the eastern Ecuadorian Andes. Past. 9, 307–321.

pdf Towards fast and routine analyses of volcanic ash

969 téléchargements

Leibrandt, S., J.L. Le Pennec (2015). Towards fast and routine analyses of volcanic ash morphometry for eruption surveillance applications. J Volcanol. Geotherm. Res, 297: 11-27.

pdf VolcFlow capabilities and potential development

1066 téléchargements

Kelfoun, K., Vallejo, S. (2015). VolcFlow capabilities and potential development for the simulation of lava flows. In: Harris, A. J. L., De Groeve, T., Garel, F., Carn, S. A. (Eds), Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Pub., 426.

pdf Why Archaean TTG cannot be generated

1017 téléchargements

Martin H., Moyen J.F., Guitreau M., Blichert-Toft J., Le Pennec, J.L. (2014). Archaean TTG cannot be generated by MORB melting in subduction zone. Lithos, 198-199: 1-13. Doi 10.1016/j.lithos.20-14.02.017.