folder Sismología


pdf A geodynamic and geological introduction

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Blanco R. , K. Pedoja, C. Witt, J. Martinod, L. Husson, V. Regard, Audin L. , M. Nexer, B. Delcaillau, M. Saillard, D. Melnick, JF Dumont, E. Santana, E .Navarrete, C. Martillo, M. Pappalardo, L. Ayala, A. Feal-Pérez, J F. Araya-Vergara, I. D. Correa, I. Arozarena (2013). A geodynamic and geological introduction to the Coast of South America through the perspective of Quaternary stair-case coastal landscape. South and Central America, in “Rock Coast Geomorphology: A Global Synthesis” (Eds M. Kennedy, W.J. Stephenson, L.A. Naylor), Geol. Soc. London, Memoirs 40(1):155-191

pdf A mixed seismic–aseismic stress release episode

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Villegas-Lanza, J. C., Nocquet, J. M., Rolandone, F., Vallée, M., Tavera, H., Bondoux, F., ... & Chlieh, M. (2016). A mixed seismic-aseismic stress release episode in the Andean subduction zone. Nature Geoscience.

pdf Active tectonics in Quito

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Alvarado A., Audin L., J-M Nocquet, M. Segovia , Y. Font, G. Lamarque, H. Yepes, P. Mothes , F. Rolandone, P. Jarrin (2014). Active tectonics in Quito, Ecuador, assessed by geomorphological studies, GPS data, and crustal seismicity, Tectonics, 33 (2): 67-83.

pdf An earthquake catalog for seismic

2323 descargas

Beauval C., H. Yepes, P. Palacios, M. Segovia, A. Alvarado, Y. Font, J. Aguilar, L. Troncoso, S. Vaca (2013). An earthquake catalog for seismic hazard assessment in Ecuador, Bull. Seismo. Soc Amer., 103: 773-786.

pdf Continuous GPS network operating throughout Ecuador

1533 descargas

Mothes, P. A., Nocquet, J. M., & Jarrín, P. (2013). Continuous GPS network operating throughout Ecuador. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 94(26), 229-231.

pdf Distribution of discrete seismic asperities

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Chlieh, M., Mothes, P., Nocquet, J.-M., Jarrin, P., Charvis, P., Cisneros, D., Font, Y., Collot, J.-Y., Villegas-Lanza, J.-C., Rolandone, F., Vallée, M., Régnier, M., Segovia, M., Martin, X., Yepes, H. (2014). Distribution of discrete seismic asperities and aseismic slip along the Ecuadorian megathrust. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 400, 292–301. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.05.027.

pdf Flare Shaped Acoustic Anomalies

1406 descargas

Michaud, F., Proust, J.-N., Dano, A., Collot, J.-Y., Guiyeligou, G. D., Hernández, M. J., Ratzov, G., Martillo, C., Pouderoux, H., Schenini, L., Lebrun, J.-F., Loayza, G. (2016). Flare-Shaped Acoustic Anomalies in the Water Column Along the Ecuadorian Margin: Relationship with Active Tectonics and Gas Hydrates, Pure Applied Geophys., first.

pdf Intense interface seismicity

1418 descargas

Vallée, M., Nocquet, J. M., Battaglia, J., Font, Y., Segovia, M., Régnier, M., & Chlieh, M. (2013). Intense interface seismicity triggered by a shallow slow slip event in the Central Ecuador subduction zone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118(6), 2965-2981.

pdf Large scale inflation of Tungurahua volcano

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Champenois, J., V. Pinel, S. Baize, L. Audin, H. Jomard, A. Hooper, A. Alvarado, H. Yepes (2014). Large crustal-scale inflation of Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador) revealed by Persistent Scatterers SAR interferometry, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2014, 41 (16): 5821-5828.

pdf Motion of continental slivers and creeping

1397 descargas

Nocquet, J.-M. et al. (2014). Motion of continental slivers and creeping subduction in the northern Andes, Nat. Geosci., (March), doi: 10.1038/ngeo2099.

pdf Paleoseismology and tectonic geomorphology

1907 descargas

Baize, S., Audin, L., Winter, T., Alvarado, A., Pilatasig, L., Taipe, M.; Reyes, P., Kauffmann, P. , Yepes, H. (2015).. Paleoseismology and tectonic geomorphology of the Pallatanga fault (Central Ecuador), a major structure of the South-American crust. Geomorph. (spec. Issue), 237: 14-28.

pdf Partitioning of oblique convergence

1490 descargas

Alvarado, A., L. Audin, J. M. Nocquet, E. Jaillard, P. Mothes, P. Jarrín, M. Segovia, F. Rolandone, D. Cisneros (2016). Partitioning of oblique convergence in the northern Andes subduction zone: migration history and present-day boundary of the North Andean Sliver in Ecuador, Tectonics, 35 (5): 1048-1065.

pdf Probabilistic Seismic‐Hazard Assessment in Quito

1435 descargas

Beauval C., H. Yepes, L. Audin , A. Alvarado, J.-M. Nocquet, D. Monelli, L. Danciu (2014). Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in Quito, estimates and uncertainties, Seism. Res. Lett. 85: 1316-1327.

pdf Quaternary sedimentation and active faulting

1359 descargas

Michaud, F., Proust JN, Collot JY, Ratzov G., Pouderoux H., Lebrun J-F, Hernandez M.J., Loayza G. De Min L., Dano A., Martillo C., Schenini L., Witt C.,.Barba D., Gonzalez M., Penafiel L., Ponce G., Urresta A., and Calderon M. (2015). Quaternary sedimentation and active faulting along the Ecuadorian shelf: preliminary results of the ATACAMES Cruise (2012). Marine Geoph. Res., doi: 10.1007/s11001-014-9231-y.

pdf Seismicity pattern along the Ecuadorian subduction zone

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Font, Y., Segovia, M., Vaca, S., Theunissen, T. (2013). Seismicity pattern along the Ecuadorian subduction zone: New constrains from earthquake location in a 3D a priori velocity model. Geoph. J. Int., 193, 263-286.

pdf Subduction of seafloor asperities

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Proust, J.N., Martillo, C., Michaud, F., Collot, J.Y., Dauteuil O. (2016). Subduction of seafloor asperities revealed by a detailed stratigraphic analysis of the active margin shelf sediments of Central Ecuador, Marine Geol.