pdf A geodynamic and geological introduction

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Blanco R. , K. Pedoja, C. Witt, J. Martinod, L. Husson, V. Regard, Audin L. , M. Nexer, B. Delcaillau, M. Saillard, D. Melnick, JF Dumont, E. Santana, E .Navarrete, C. Martillo, M. Pappalardo, L. Ayala, A. Feal-Pérez, J F. Araya-Vergara, I. D. Correa, I. Arozarena (2013). A geodynamic and geological introduction to the Coast of South America through the perspective of Quaternary stair-case coastal landscape. South and Central America, in “Rock Coast Geomorphology: A Global Synthesis” (Eds M. Kennedy, W.J. Stephenson, L.A. Naylor), Geol. Soc. London, Memoirs 40(1):155-191